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From May 23rd - 28th, IBS was proud to welcome a group of girls from the Bexley Grammar School in London along with their French teacher, Mme Talata. The London students were paired with a group of IBS students to experience life in France, to practice speaking French as well as having the chance of visiting the beautiful region of Provence. Our students in turn will have the opportunity of visiting their typically British school this summer.

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IBS CAS Council

In this year's CAS council, the members include Adela, Adelaide, Anthony, Cecil, Étienne, Florian, Ruggero, Lily, Maxence, Apolline,...

Writing Week for CM2

The Writing Week took place from 2 to 9 October 2023. Pupils in the CM2 Pagnol class took part in the competition for the most beautiful...

IBS Summer Camp 2023

The IBS of Provence Summer Camps offer an incredible opportunity for students to immerse themselves in a multicultural and multilingual...


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